
  • Obtained Defense Jury Verdict

    Obtained defense jury verdict in federal court in Maryland after extensive trial on claims of patent infringement involving automatic tablet dispensing machines between two leading international manufacturers.

  • Obtained Favorable Ruling

    Obtained summary judgment in favor of employer, and successfully defended appeal in a state court action for "whistleblower" retaliation and wrongful termination.

  • Obtained Favorable Ruling

    Obtained summary judgment in favor of employer in action brought by two former employees who alleged that they had been terminated for reasons that violated public policy.

  • Obtained Dismissal

    Obtained a dismissal of all claims in return for a mutual waiver of costs in a claim for sexual orientation harassment, disability discrimination and wrongful termination in violation of public policy by a former regional manager of a Fortune 500 company.

  • Defense Motion for Summary Judgment Granted and Upheld on Appeal for firm client.

    Plaintiffs were the surviving family members of an individual who died of interstitial lung disease. They alleged that Decedent died from occupational exposure to hazardous substances, including finished glass products manufactured by our clients. The trial court ruled that Plaintiffs’ argument was flawed because there was no evidence that our clients’ products were manipulated in such a way to create a hazardous release of particulates resulting in the ability to cause injury. Plaintiffs appealed the trial

  • Sayre v. Clear Channel Outdoor, Inc. (Feb. 13, 2013, B241601 [nonpub. opn.]

    Affirmed judgment in favor of P&S client in a commercial litigation case after P&S challenged the complaint and argued that Plaintiffs’ claims were barred by the statute of limitations.

  • (1999) 21 Cal.4th 71 [86 Cal.Rptr.2d 846] Bockrath v. Aldrich Chemical Co., Inc.

    Established the pleading standard for toxic tort cases.

  • Smith v. Sunshine Child Care & Leasing Centers, Inc. (Jan. 30, 2008, B198169) [nonpub. opn.]

    The appellate court affirmed the trial court’s granting of summary judgment in favor of P&S client, a day-care center. In the underlying matter, plaintiff sued P&S client for wrongful termination.

  • Pierson v. Philips Medical Systems (July 19, 2011, B221488) [nonpub. opn.]

    Affirmed summary judgment in favor of P&S client in a product liability/medical device matter after P&S demonstrated a lack of evidence supporting Plaintiff’s claims.

  • Ryan v. Lustre-Cal (Dec. 26, 2014, B248845) [nonpub. opn.]

    Affirmed judgment in favor of P&S client in a toxic tort case after P&S challenged the complaint and argued that Plaintiffs’ claims were barred by the statute of limitations.

  • Hernandez v. Superior Court (2003) 112 Cal.App.4th 285 [4 Cal.Rptr.3d 883]

    Established the validity of case-management orders as a proper exercise of the trial court’s power to manage complex litigation.

  • Maxton v. Western States Metals Metals (2012) 203 Cal.App.4th 81 [136 Cal.Rptr.3d 630]

    Established the availability of the component parts doctrine in California, which provides that the manufacturer of a component part is not liable for injuries caused by the finished product into which the component has been incorporated unless the component itself was defective and caused harm.

  • Fasuyi v. Permatex (2008) 167 Cal.App.4th 681 [84 Cal.Rptr.3d 351]

    Affirmatively established the existence of an ethical obligation for plaintiffs’ counsel to warn defense counsel prior to taking a default.

  • Alban v. Alban Vineyards (Dec. 28, 2009, B211935) [nonpub. opn.]

    Affirmed summary judgment in favor of P&S client in a real estate matter after P&S demonstrated a lack of evidence supporting Plaintiff’s claims of an oral agreement.

  • Obtained Summary Judgment

    Obtained summary judgment in favor of one of the largest electric utility companies in the United States in a case filed in Santa Clara County Superior Court involving $34M in alleged property damage caused by the uncontrolled release of surface drainage water, mud and debris flowing from a utility access road onto neighboring residential properties.

  • Dropped Damage Owed

    Negotiated a $5,000 settlement for a manufacturer of an exterior weather vapor barrier coating facing a $20M lawsuit in San Diego County Superior Court arising from alleged defective construction components that caused water intrusion damage at a 267,000 sq. ft. regional call center.

  • Negotiated a Dismissal

    Successfully negotiated the dismissal of a plumbing contractor sued in Riverside County Superior Court after extensive plumbing systems and pipes failed due to ongoing degradation and corrosion at a 1,084 unit residential complex.

  • Recovered Monies Paid

    Prosecuted action in San Mateo on behalf of general contractor against subcontractors for indemnity for defective painting in an auditorium, recovered monies paid by general contractor to remedy subcontractors' defective work from subcontractors.

  • Obtained Favorable Ruling

    Successfully defended administrative claims brought by workers claiming misclassification, unpaid commissions and overtime, failure to provide meal and rest periods and violation of California minimum wage requirements. Claimants were awarded nothing on their claims.

  • Negotiated Early Settlement

    Negotiated early settlement on claim brought by Equal Employment Opportunity Commission for racial discrimination and wrongful termination with clear liability, avoiding excessive costs of defense.

  • Successfully Resolved Claims

    Successfully resolved claims for sexual harassment, discrimination, retaliation and wrongful termination in violation of public policy brought by multiple plaintiffs against small, closely held corporation, on claims with clear liability, at early mediation prior to disclosure of potential insurance coverage.

  • Successful Negotiation

    Successfully negotiated renewed collective bargaining agreement between Orange County manufacturing plant and Teamsters union representatives.

  • Obtained Dismissal

    In claim filed by employee with Retaliation Complaint Unit of California Department of Industrial Relations against non-profit organization, obtained dismissal of all claims prior to hearing.

  • Reduced Monies Owed

    In Employment Development Department investigation into misclassification of independent contractors, successfully appealed a $268,000 assessment down to $4,500.

  • Obtained a Defense Verdict at Trial

    Plaintiff alleged he sustained injury when he rear-ended driven by an employee of P&S client during the course and scope of his employment. Plaintiff alleged that the employee made an unreasonable lane change right before an intersection that caused plaintiff to strike the employee’s vehicle. Plaintiff sought to recover at least $330,048 in damages. Physical injuries included neck, back, and shoulders. Underwent back surgery. P&S obtained a defense verdict at trial.

  • Plaintiff Dismissed

    Plaintiff sought indemnity and contribution against P&S client arising out of an incident wherein salad oil being transported via two shipping containers leaked onto the roadway. The resulting oil on the roadway caused multiple car accidents and two injured motorists filed suit against the driver of the truck and his employer. Plaintiff sought to recover from all the parties associated with the shipment, including P&S’ client, that manufactured the salad oil. Plaintiff alleged that P&S client mishandled the

  • Obtained Defense Verdict at Trial

    Plaintiffs alleged a vehicle owned and driven by P&S’ client struck Plaintiffs’ vehicle, which was driven by a non-party. The collision occurred because P&S client struck a tractor (which was operating without roper lighting) causing P&S client to veer into the oncoming traffic lane and collide with Plaintiffs’ vehicle. Within minutes of the impact, another individual drove through the debris field and the driver lost control and became unconscious. Physical injuries including neck, back, shoulders, arms

  • Obtained Defense Verdict at Trial

    Plaintiff alleged she was rear-ended on the freeway by a vehicle driven by an employee of P&S client during the course and scope of his employment. Plaintiff’s initial demand to defendants was for $2 million. Physical injuries included neck, back, and shoulders. Underwent shoulder surgery. P&S obtained a defense verdict at trial.

  • Case Dismissed

    Plaintiffs claimed that their decedent contracted asbestosis and pleural plaques as a result of occupational to asbestos-containing products while employed as an insulator between 1960 and 1996. Plaintiffs dismissed P&S Client, a manufacturer of fibrous adhesive, for a mutual waiver of costs.

  • Case Dismissed

    Plaintiffs claimed that their decedent contracted mesothelioma as a result of occupational to asbestos-containing products while employed in the HVAC industry between 1942 and 1985. Plaintiffs dismissed P&S Client, a manufacturer of commercial appliances, for a mutual waiver of costs.

  • Case Dismissed

    Plaintiff alleged he developed bronchiolitis obliterans as a result of occupational exposures to diacetyl and acetyl propionyl while working as a compounder at a flavor manufacturing company. Plaintiff dismissed P&S client, a manufaturer of diacetyl, for a mutual waiver of costs.

  • Case Dismissed

    Plaintiff alleged she sustained chronic hypersensitivity pneumonitis and interstitial lung disease as a result of occupational exposures to various chemicals and machinery while working as a laborer at a food manufacturing company. Plaintiff dismissed P&S client, a manufacturer of lubrications and cleaners, for a mutual waiver of costs.

  • Case Dismissed

    Plaintiffs claimed that their decedent contracted mesothelioma as a result of occupational to asbestos-containing products while employed as an insulator in Northern California between 1955 and 2008. Plaintiffs dismissed P&S Client, a manufacturer of fibrous adhesive, for a mutual waiver of costs.

  • Case Dismissed

    Plaintiff alleged that he contracted asbestos-related pleural disease as a result of occupational and non-occupational exposure while working as an insulator at over forty employment locations between 1964 and 2002. Plaintiff dismissed P&S Client, a manufacturer of fibrous adhesive for a mutual waiver of costs.

  • Obtained Favorable Ruling

    Plaintiff alleged he developed bronchiolitis obliterans as a result of occupational exposures to diacetyl and acetyl propionyl while working as a compounder at a flavor manufacturing company. P&S represented a manufacturer of acetyl propionyl. Appellate writ granted and trial court ordered to grant summary judgment in favor of P&S client.

  • Case Dismissed

    Plaintiffs alleged their decedent contracted lung cancer as a result of occupational exposures to various metal and chemical products while working as a machine operator. Plaintiffs dismissed three P&S clients, a manufacturer of abrasive sand, a distributor of chemical products and a manufacturer of chemical products for a mutual waiver of costs.

  • Nonsuit Granted

    Plaintiff alleged that he developed peritoneal mesothelioma as a result of exposure to asbestos-containing products while developing and supervising the construction of various apartment complexes from 1962 to 1975. P&S represented a plastering contractor who Plaintiff alleged exposed him to asbestos-containing drywall and plastering materials. After a successful motion for summary adjudication, P&S filed several motions in limine that led to the exclusion of certain California regulations that Plaintiff in

  • Case Dismissed

    Plaintiff alleged he developed chronic hypersensitivity pneumonitis as a result of occupational exposures to various metal products while working as a welder and laborer. Plaintiff dismissed two P&S clients, a supplier of tractor-trailer parts, and a supplier of welding wires for a mutual waiver of costs.

  • Reduced Monies Owed

    Plaintiff alleged she developed chronic hypersensitivity pneumonitis as a result of occupational exposures to various chemicals and machines used for packaging produce while working as a trimmer. Plaintiff dismissed P&S client, a supplier of welding tips, for a de minimis amount.

  • Case Dismissed

    Plaintiffs alleged their decedent developed acute myelogenous leukemia as a result of occupational exposures to benzene while working as a printer. Plaintiffs dismissed P&S client, manufacturer of inks, for a mutual waiver of costs.

  • Case Dismissed

    Plaintiffs alleged that their decedent developed acute myelogenous leukemia (“AML”) as a result of occupational exposures to various ink and ink related products while working as a printer between 1969 and 2010. Plaintiffs agreed to dismiss P&S client, a bankrupt ink manufacturer, for a waiver of costs after P&S threatened to file a summary judgment motion on the ground that P&S client’s bankruptcy precluded and enjoined plaintiffs’ claims.

  • Reduced Monies Owed

    Plaintiff alleged he developed interstitial lung disease as a result of occupational exposures to various cosmetic powders, pigments, colorings, dyes, and other chemical products while working at a cosmetic manufacturer. Plaintiffs dismissed P&S client, a manufacturer of cosmetic dyes, for a de minimis amount.

  • Obtained Favorable Ruling

    Plaintiffs allegedly developed bronchiolitis obliterans (a type of chronic lung disease) as a result of occupational exposures to diacetyl and a diacetyl substitute, acetyl propionyl (2,3- pentanedione). Judgment was entered in favor of P&S's client after the court granted P&S's motion for summary judgment.

  • Case Dismissed

    Plaintiff alleged he developed interstitial lung disease and lung cancer as a result of occupational exposures to "toxic airborne dusts" while working as a sheet metal mechanic for an aerospace company. Plaintiff agreed to dismiss P&S client, a distributor of glass bead media, for a mutual waiver of costs after P&S successfully demonstrated that plaintiff lacked evidence showing that he worked with any products associated with P&S' client.

  • Reduced Monies Owed

    Plaintiffs alleged their decedent developed acute myelogenous leukemia as a result of occupational exposures to benzene while working as a pressman. Plaintiffs dismissed P&S client, a manufacturer of ink-related products, for a de minimis amount.

  • Case Dismissed

    Plaintiffs alleged that their decedent contracted lung cancer due to occupational exposure from asbestos-containing products during his employment as a frame worker between 1967 to 1977. Plaintiffs dismissed P&S Client, a manufacturer of wire, for a mutual waiver of costs.

  • Confidential Resolution

    Plaintiff, an insurance company, initiated a subrogation claim against P&S client alleging that P&S client, a trucking company, caused an automobile accident with one of Plaintiff's insured. P&S negotiated a confidential resolution on behalf of the client.

  • Case Dismissed

    Plaintiffs alleged that Walter McCall developed mesothelioma as a result of occupational exposures to asbestos while working as a chaser and assistant manager for P&S client from 1969 to 1972. Plaintiffs dismissed P&S client, a manufacturer of plastic extrusion machinery, for a mutual waiver of costs.

  • Case Dismissed

    Plaintiffs alleged that Mr. Mikhaiel developed mesothelioma as a result of occupational exposures to asbestos while working as an appliance repairman at several locations throughout Southern California. Plaintiffs dismissed P&S clients, appliance manufacturers, for a mutual waiver of costs.

  • Reduced Monies Owed

    Plaintiff, an insurance company, initiated a subrogation claim against P&S client alleging that P&S client caused an automobile accident with one of Plaintiff's insured. Plaintiffs dismissed P&S Client, a trucking companuy, for de minimis amount.

  • Case Dismissed

    Plaintiff alleged that he developed bronchiolitis obliterans, as a result of occupational exposure to toxic chemicals during his employment as a compounder and mixer between 1986 and 2012. Case dismissed against P&S client, a distributor of aroma chemicals after P&S successfully quashed service of summons.

  • Case Dismissed

    Plaintiff alleged that he developed Acute Myelogenous Leukemia as result of occupational exposures to benzene from various automotive products he used during his approximate 40-year employment in the automotive repair industry at various employers in California. Plaintiff dismissed P&S client, a manufacturer of automotive additives, for a waiver of costs.

  • Case Dismissed

    Plaintiffs allege that their decedent died from complications arising from mesothelioma, as a result of alleged exposure to asbestos containing products during his career. Plaintiffs dismissed P&S Client, a distributor of thermal products, for a waiver of costs.

  • Case Dismissed

    Plaintiff alleged he developed lung cancer as a result of occupational exposure to asbestos while working at various locations, in different occupations including sheet metal worker, moldmaker, welder, steel worker, assembler and millwright. Plaintiffs dismissed P&S Clients, a manufacturer of cooling towers, for a waiver of costs.

  • Confidential Resolution

    Plaintiff sustained respiratory related injuries as a result of exposure to dangerous levels of chemicals and compounds while employed as an IT Help Desk technician for C&D Zodiac, Inc in 2009. P&S negotiated a confidential resolution on behalf of P&S client, a manufacturer of HVAC systems.

  • Confidential Resolution

    Plaintiff contended that he developed toxic encephalopathy as a result of inhaling chemical fumes on 2007 a property in West Hollywood CA. P&S negotiated a confidential resolutionon behalf of P&S client, a manufacturer of waterproof coatings.

  • Case Dismissed

    Plaintiff alleged that he contracted asbestos and pleural thickening/plaques due to occupational exposure to asbestos-containing products during his employment as an insulator from 1965 through the 1980s. Plaintiff dismissed P&S Client, a manufacturer of fibrous adhesive, for a mutual waiver of costs.

  • Case Dismissed

    Plaintiffs alleged that their decedent developed lung cancer as a result of occupational exposure to asbestos during his service in the U.S. Navy from 1956 to 1962. Plaintiffs dismissed P&S Client, a manufacturer of wire, for a mutual waiver of costs.

  • Case Dismissed

    Plaintiffs alleged that their decedent developed mesothelioma as as result of occupational exposure to asbestos-containing products during his service in the navy between 1964 and 1968. Plaintiffs dismissed P&S Client, a manufacturer of wire, for a mutual waiver of costs, after P&S filed a Forum Non Conveniens motion.

  • Case Dismissed

    Plaintiff alleged that he contracted asbestos as a result of occupational exposure to asbestos-containing products during his employment as an insulator from 1963 to 1983. Plaintiff dismissed P&S Client, a manufacturer of fibrous adhesive, for a mutual waiver of costs.

  • Confidential Resolution

    Plaintiff contended that he developed psychosis as a result of exposure to manganese while working as a jewelry maker from 2000 to 2008. P&S negotiated a confidential resolution on behalf of P&S client, a manufacturer of German milled tungsten vanadium steel rotary drilling/filing/designing tools.

  • Confidential Resolution

    Plaintiff contended that he developed toxic encephalopathy as a result of occupational exposures to metal products, machines, and solvents while working as a machinist between 1989 and 2010. P&S negotiated a confidential resolution on behalf of P&S client, a manufacturer of various chemicals and solvents, including layout fluid, rust inhibitors and lubricants.

  • Case Dismissed

    Plaintiff contended that he developed small cell lymphocytic lymphoma and chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) as a result of occupational exposures to benzene when he operated a screen printing business between 1991 and 2000. Plaintiffs dismissed P&S Clien, a manufacturer of paint thinner, lacquer thinner, and acetone for a de minimis payment.

  • Case Dismissed

    Plaintiff alleged that contracted asbestois from occupational exposure to asbestos-containing products during his employment as an insulator in the 1970s. Plaintiff dismissed P&S Client, a manufacturer of fibrous adhesive, during the first week fo trial, for a mutual waiver of costs.

  • Case Dismissed

    Plaintiffs alleged that their decedent developed mesothelioma as a result of bystander exposure to asbestos through her father who was an electrician. Plaintiffs dismissed P&S Client, a manufacturer of wire, for a mutual waiver of costs.

  • Obtained Favorable Ruling

    Plaintiffs contended that decedent developed non-Hodgkins lymphoma (large B-cell lymphoma) as a result of exposures to benzene as a vehicle inspections officer with the California Highway Patrol between 1984 and 2009. Trial court sustained, without leave to amend, P&S Client, a manufacturer of a brakes and parts cleaner, demurrer on statute of limitations grounds (on appeal).

  • Case Dismissed

    Plaintiffs contended that decedent developed interstitial pulmonary fibrosis (lung disease) as a result of exposures to silica, metals, and other dust particles when he sanded anti-skid products in a naval shipyard between 1971 and 1978. Plaintiffs dismissed P&S Clients, manufacturers of an anti-skid coating for waiver of costs.

  • Motion to Dismiss

    Plaintiff contended that he developed interstitial pulmonary fibrosis (lung disease) as a result of exposures to silica, metals, and other dust particles when he sanded anti-skid products in a naval shipyard between 1970 and 1996. Federal district court granted defendants' motion to dismiss. P&S clients were manufacturers of an anti-skid coating.

  • Confidential Resolution

    Plaintiff contended that decedent developed renal cell carcinoma (kidney cancer) as a result of occupational exposures to benzene when he worked in film production between 1975 and 2008. P&S negotiated a confidential resolution on behalf of P&S clients, a manufacturer of a rust inhibitor/degreaser, a manufacturer of power equipment oil, a manufacturer of paint thinner and paint stripper, and a manufacturer of adhesives.

  • Confidential Resolution

    Plaintiffs contended that decedent developed acute myelogenous leukemia as a result of occupational exposures to benzene when he worked as an airplane maintenance worker between 1963 and 2002. P&S negotiated a confidential resolution on behalf of three P&S clients, a manufacturer of various chemical products including epoxies, lubricating oils, rust inhibitors, and two manufacturers of lubricating oil.

  • Confidential Resolution

    Plaintiffs contended that decedent developed myelodysplastic syndrome as a result of occupational exposures to benzene when he worked as gardener between 1989 and 2011. P&S negotiated a confidential resolution on behalf of P&S client, a manufacturer of paint remover.

  • Confidential Resolution

    Plaintiffs contended that decedent developed acute myelogenous leukemia as a result of occupational exposures to benzene when he worked as a welder between 1979 and 2010. P&S negotiated a confidential resolution on behalf of P&S client, a manufacturer of layout fluid and adhesives.

  • Case Dismissed

    Plaintiff alleged that he developed mesothelioma as a result of occupational exposure to asbestos-containing products during his employment as janitor between the 1960s and 1980s. Plaintiffs dismissed P&S Client, a manufacturer of boilers, for a mutual waiver of costs.

  • Case Dismissed

    Plaintiff alleged that he developed asbestosis and pleural thickening/plaques as a result of occupational exposure to asbestos-containing products during his service in the U.S. Navy. Plaintiff dismissed P&S Client, a manufacturer of wire, for a mutual waiver of costs.

  • Case Dismissed

    Plaintiffs alleged that their decedent sustained multiple myeloma as a result of exposure to benzene while employed as a furniture painter between 1980 and 2008. Plaintiffs dismissed P&S Client, a retailer of paint products and solvents, for a waiver of costs.

  • Case Dismissed

    Plaintiffs alleged that their decedent sustained interstitial pulmonary fibrosis as a result of exposure to various respiratory particulates, including silica, sand, metal, and chemical products, while employed at a light pole production facility between 1973 and 2008. Plaintiffs dismissed P&S Client, a supplier of cement dyes, for a waiver of costs.

  • Case Dismissed

    Plaintiff contended that he developed multiple myeloma (cancer of white blood cells) as a result of occupational exposures to pressroom chemicals when he worked as a printer at various facilities between 1983 and 1991. Plaintiff dismissed P&S Client, a manufacturer of coolant and lubricants, for a waiver of costs.

  • Case Dismissed

    Plaintiff alleged that he contracted an asbestos-related disease as a result of occupational exposure to asbestos during his employment as an insulator between 1956 and 2007. Plaintiff dismissed P&S Client, a manufacturer of fibrous adhesive, for a mutual waiver of costs.

  • Case Dismissed

    Plaintiffs claim that their decedent developed mesothelioma as a result of occupational exposure to asbestos during his employment with Pacific Gas & Electric between 1963 and 1994. Plaintiffs dismissed P&S Client, a manufacturer of wire, for a mutual waiver of costs.

  • Case Dismissed

    Plaintiff alleged that he developed asbestosis as a result of occupational exposure to asbestos-containing products during his employment as a laborer and insulator between 1969 and the 1980's. Plaintiff dismissed P&S client, a manufacturer of fibrous adhesive, for a mutual waiver of costs after P&S filed a Motion for Undertaking of Costs.

  • Reduced Monies Owed

    Plaintiffs contended that their decedent developed lung cancer as a result of occupational exposure to toxic chemicals while working at a homecare and cosmetics manufacturing plant between 1970 and 1999. P&S represented manufacturer of chemical mixing machinery. The trial court sustained P&S's demurrer without leave to amend under component parts doctrine.

  • Case Dismissed

    Plaintiff contended that he developed Small Cell Lymphocytic Lymphoma and Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia as a result of occupational exposure to benzene while working at a silk screening facility between 1991 and 2000. Plaintiff dismissed P&S Client, a retailer of paint thinner, lacquer thinner and acetone, for waiver of costs.

  • Case Dismissed

    Plaintiff contended that he developed acute myelogenous leukemia, with trisomy 8, as a result of occupational exposure to toxic chemicals while working as a lithographic printer between 1984 and 1990. Plaintiff dismissed P&S Client, a manufacturer of roller washing solvent, for waiver of costs.

  • Case Dismissed

    Plaintiff alleged that he contracted asbestosis as a result of occupational exposure to asbestos during his employment as an insulator between 1961 and 1977. Plaintiff dismissed P&S Client, a manufacturer of fibrous adhesives, after P&S filed a Motion for Summary Judgment.

  • Case Dismissed

    Plaintiff contended that he developed metastatic squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) as result of occupational exposures to benzene while working as a lamp assembler between 1998 and 2009. Plaintiff dismissed P&S Client. a manufacturer of adhesives, for a waiver of costs.

  • Case Dismissed

    Plaintiffs alleged that their decedent developed lung cancer/asbestosis as a result of occupational exposure to asbestos during his service in the Navy, and while working as a mechanic and electrician at various locations throughout Southern California. Plaintiff's dismissed P&S Client, a manufacturer of wire, after P&S filed Motions to Compel Discovery Responses.

  • Case Dismissed

    Plaintiff alleged that she developed mesothelioma as a result of take-home exposure from asbestos that her father was exposed to in England, take-home exposure from work performed by her ex-husband in Missouri, and from several of her own employers in the United States. Plaintiffs dismissed P&S Client, a manufacturer of wire, for a mutual waiver of costs.

  • Case Dismissed

    Plaintiff contended that he developed acute myelogenous leukemia, with trisomy 8, as a result of occupational exposure to toxic chemicals while working as a lithographic printer between 1984 and 1990. Plaintiff dismissed P&S Client, a manufacturer of naptha, lacquer thinner and boiled linseed oil, for waiver of costs.

  • Case Dismissed

    Plaintiff contended that he developed kidney disease as a result of occupational exposure to toxic chemicals while working as a cabinet maker between 2002 and 2008. Plaintiff dismissed P&S Client, a major retailer of chemical solvents, for a waiver of costs.

  • Case Dismissed

    Plaintiff contended that he developed metastatic squamous cell carcinoma as a result of occupational exposure to toxic chemicals while working at a light fixture manufacturing facility between 1998 and 2009. Plaintiff dismissed P&S Client, a manufacturer of lacquier thinner, for a waiver of costs.

  • Case Dismissed

    Plaintiff contended that he developed non-Hodgkin's lymphoma as a result of occupational exposure to toxic chemicals from wood products while working as a carpenter between 1969 and 2010. Plaintiff dismissed P&S Client, a manufacturer of raw wood, for a waiver of costs.

  • Case Dismissed

    Plaintiff contended that he developed non-Hodgkin's lymphoma as a result of occupational exposure to toxic chemicals while working as a carpenter, set-builder, and prop-maker at various employment locations between 1978 and 2009. Plaintiff dismissed three P&S Clients: a manufacturer of acetone; a manufacturer of paint thinner; and a manufacturer of lubricant for a waiver of costs.

  • Case Dismissed

    Plaintiff alleged that decedent sustained acute myelogenous leukemia (AML) as a result of exposures to benzene from various consumer paint products. After making two settlement demands, plaintiff eventually agreed to dismiss P&S client for a mutual waiver of costs after P&S demonstrated that plaintiff lacked sufficient evidence to prove causation.

  • Case Dismissed

    Plaintiff alleged that he developed aplastic anemia as a result of occupational exposures to chemical products while working as a painter for various employers in Southern California between 1980 and December 2009. Plaintiff dismissed P&S client for a mutual waiver of costs after P&S filed a summary judgment motion based on lack of sufficient exposure.

  • Case Dismissed

    Plaintiff alleged exposure to asbestos from products associated with P&S client. Plaintiffs dismissed P&S client for a mutual waiver of cost after P&S filed a Rule 11 Motion and Summary Judgment Motion on the grounds that plaintiffs’ claims were barred by the statute of limitations.

  • Case Dismissed

    Plaintiffs alleged that decedent developed acute myeloid leukemia (AML) from exposure to benzene and benzene containing products while working as a tool & die maker. Plaintiffs dismissed P&S’s four clients for mutual waivers of costs after discovery affirmed lack of product identification and doubtful causation.

  • Case Dismissed

    Plaintiffs alleged that decedent developed mesothelioma as a result of exposure to asbestos containing products while working with and around cooling towers. Plaintiff dismissed P&S client for a mutual waiver of costs after discovery affirmed lack of product identification.

  • Case Dismissed

    Plaintiffs, in a coordinated action of approximately 28 cases, alleged that they developed varying blood-related illnesses from exposure to benzene and benzene containing products while working in the auto repair industry. Cross-complainant dismissed P&S client from the remaining 15 cases after discovery affirmed lack of product identification.

  • Reduced Monies Owed

    Plaintiff alleged that he sustained silicosis and interstitial pulmonary fibrosis as a result of exposures to silica dust particles while working at a metal casting facility between 1973 and 2003. Plaintiff settled with P&S Client, a manufacturer of silica flour, for a de minimis amount.

  • Successful Defense Verdict

    P&S obtained a defense verdict on behalf of P&S client, a light manufacturer. In the underlying matter, plaintiffs sought damages on behalf of their decedent who was electrocuted while working on the grounds of a landfill. The jury determined no defective design in light fixture, nor was the light fixture a substantial factor.

  • Case Dismissed

    Plaintiffs alleged that decedent contracted mesothelioma from exposure to asbestos and asbestos containing products. Plaintiffs dismissed P&S client for a waiver of costs.

  • Reduced Monies Owed

    Plaintiffs contended that their decedent sustained aplastic anemia as a result of occupational exposure to chemicals while working in the automotive repair industry between 1964 and 2006. Plaintiffs settled with P&S Client, a manufacturer of paint and coating, for a de minimis amount.

  • Case Dismissed

    Plaintiff brought a subrogation claim for damages paid to insured and third parties in connection with a soybean oil spill in the Long Beach area. Plaintiff alleged that P&S client was negligent as the distributor of the soybean oil. Plaintiff dismissed P&S client for a mutual waiver of costs after it was shown plaintiff would not be likely to prove negligence at trial.

  • Case Dismissed

    Plaintiffs alleged that Bruce Sample developed acute myelogenous leukemia (AML) as a result of occupational exposures to pressroom chemicals when he worked as a printer in a lithographic printing facility. Plaintiff Pamela Sample dismissed her single claim for loss of consortium against P&S client after it was shown that Bruce Sample sustained his injuries prior to his marriage to Pamela Sample.

  • Case Dismissed

    Plaintiff alleged that he sustained asbestosis from exposure to asbestos and asbestos containing products while serving as an engineer in the U.S. Navy. Plaintiff dismissed P&S client for a mutual waiver of costs.

  • Case Dismissed

    Plaintiff alleged that he sustained non-Hodgkin's lymphoma as a result of occupation exposure to chemicals while working at various auto body shops between 1977 and 2007. Plaintiff dismissed two P&S clients: a manufacturer of paint and coating; and a manufacturer of paint surface preparation cleaner for a waiver of costs.

  • Case Dismissed

    Plaintiff alleged that he sustained personal injuries and damage as a result of exposure to dangerous levels of chemicals and compounds due to a HVAC system. P&S represented the manufacturer of a mold release agent designed for application to hot metallic mold surfaces. Plaintiff dismissed P&S Client for waiver of costs.

  • Case Dismissed

    Plaintiff alleged that she sustained pulmonary problems as a result of exposures to diacetyl and other compounds used in natural and artificial butter flavorings for popcorn. Plaintiff dismissed, without prejudice, two P&S clients because plaintiffs had an identical action pending in federal district court in Iowa, and were doing nothing more than forum shopping.

  • Case Dismissed

    Plaintiff alleged he sustained lung cancer from exposure to asbestos and asbestos containing products while serving in the U.S. Navy and at various employment locations. Plaintiff dismissed P&S client for a mutual waiver of costs after P&S filed a summary judgment motion.

  • Obtained Favorable Ruling

    Plaintiff alleged he sustained contact leukoderma (skin discoloration spots) from a single exposure to a brake cleaner while working as a mechanic at a car dealership. P&S obtained a unanimous defense verdict in favor of client.

  • Case Dismissed

    Plaintiff alleged that he sustained cancer from work-related exposure to various chemical products that contained benzene and other toxins. Plaintiff dismissed P&S clients with prejudice for a mutual waiver of costs.

  • Case Dismissed

    Plaintiffs alleged wrongful death due to mesothelioma from exposure to asbestos containing products during demolition work at a K-Mart facility. Plaintiff dismissed P&S client for a mutual waiver of costs after P&S filed a motion for summary judgment.

  • Case Dismissed

    Plaintiff alleged that he sustained asbestosis and pleural plaques from exposure to asbestos containing products while working as an insulator at various job sites. Plaintiff dismissed P&S client for a mutual waiver of costs after P&S filed a motion for summary judgment.

  • Case Dismissed

    Plaintiff alleged that he sustained mesothelioma from exposure to asbestos during his service in the U.S. Navy. After serving plaintiff with a statutory offer to compromise for a mutual waiver of costs, plaintiff instead dismissed P&S client.

  • Summary Judgment Granted

    Plaintiff alleged that he sustained asbestosis and pleural plaques from exposure to asbestos and asbestos containing products while working as an insulator at various job sites. P&S client’s motion for summary judgment was granted.

  • Case Dismissed

    Plaintiffs contended that their decedent developed non-Hodgkins lymphoma as a result of occupational exposures to benzene at a metal office manufacturing facility between 1982 and 2002. Plaintiffs dismissed two P&S clients: a manufacturer of adhesive and coating products; and a manufacturer of laboratory-grade trichloroethylene for a waiver of costs.

  • Case Dismissed

    Plaintiffs allege their decedent sustained acute myelogenous leukemia as a result of occupational exposures to benzene during the course of his employment as a machine operator in a metal foundry. P&S represented manufacturer of lubricant. Plaintiffs dismissed P&S for waiver of costs.

  • Case Dismissed

    Plaintiffs contend that decedent sustained multiple myeloma and leukemia as a result of occupational exposures to toxic chemicals when he worked as a machinist at various locations between 1979 and 2004. Plaintiffs dismissed two P&S client: a distributor of paint; and a manufacturer of lubricants for a waiver of costs.

  • Reduced Monies Owed

    Plaintiffs contend that decedent developed multiple myelomas as a result of exposures to creosote and/or pentachlorophenol on telephone poles when he worked as a telephone repairman between 1975 and 2005. P&S represented a manufacturer of telephone poles treated with pentachlorophenol. Plaintiffs settled with P&S Client for a deminimis amount.

  • Case Dismissed

    Plaintiffs contend that decedent developed acute myelogenous leukemia as a result of occupational exposures to benzene while working as a floor installer between 1973 and 2005. Plaintiffs dismissed P&S Client, a manufacturer of chemical sealer for stone materials for a waiver of costs.

  • Reduced Monies Owed

    Plaintiff alleged that he sustained Philadelphia chromosome positive chronic myelogenous leukemia as a result of occupational exposure to benzene at an automotive rim manufacturing plant. P&S represented two defendants: (1) the manufacturer of fuel additive; and (2) the manufacturer of permanent marking pens. The trial court sustained the demurrer of the manufacturer of fuel additive on the grounds that the statute of limitations precluded plaintiffs claim. The manufacturer of permanent marking pens settled

  • Reduced Monies Owed

    Plaintiff alleged that she sustained myelofibrosis as a result of occupational exposure to benzene during the course of her employment as an electronics assembler. Plaintiffs settled with P&S Client, a manufacturer of a conformal coating for a de minimis amount.

  • Case Dismissed

    Plaintiff allege that he sustained myelodysplastic syndrome as a result of occupational exposures to benzene during the course of his employment as machine operator at a car-part manufacturing plant. Plaintiff dismissed P&S client, a manufacturer of a greaseless lubricant for a waiver of costs.

  • Case Dismissed

    Plaintiff contended that he developed amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Lou Gehrig's disease) as a result of occupational exposures to various chemicals while working as a laborer between 1997 and 2007. P&S represented manufacturer of laboratory-grade chemicals, such as methanol and acetone. Plaintiffs dismissed P&S Client for waiver of costs.

  • Settlement Reached

    Plaintiff alleged that he sustained non-Hodgkin's lymphoma as a result of occupational exposure to benzene from chemical products he used for installing flooring. Plaintiffs settled with P&S Client, a distributor of flooring products for $5,000.00

  • Case Dismissed

    Plaintiff alleged that he developed acute leukemia of ambiguous lineage as a result of occupational exposures to benzene while working in various metalworking facilities between 1979 and 2004. Plaintiff dismissed P&S client, a distributor of cutting fluids for waiver of costs.

  • Case Dismissed

    Plaintiff alleged that he sustained lung disease (chronic berylium disease) as a result of occupational exposure to berylium while working at The Boeing Company. Plaintiffs dismissed P&S Client, a manufacturer of laboratory-grade berylium for a mutual waiver of costs.

  • Obtained Favorable Ruling

    Plaintiff allegedly sustained respiratory illness (restrictive airways disease) as a result of exposure to sewer gas on the premises of a motion picture post-production facility. The court granted summary judgment in favor of P&S client, a general contractor.

  • Case Dismissed

    Plaintiff alleges that she sustained a metal-induced lung injury as a result of inhaling metallic particles during her employment at HVAC supply store in Bakersfield, California, between March 1989 and August 2004. Plaintiffs dismissed three P&S clients: a manufacturer of lubricant; a manufacturer of brazing and soldering alloy; and a manufacturer of metal pipes for a waiver of costs.

  • Reduced Monies Owed

    Plaintiff alleged that he sustained acute myelogenous leukemia as a result of occupational exposure to benzene-containing printing products during the course of his employment as a lithographic printer. Plaintiff settled with P&S Client, a manufacturer of chemical products used to clean rollers, for a de minimis amount.

  • Reduced Monies Owed

    Plaintiffs alleged that a pipefitter sustained acute myelogenous leukemia and a welder sustained non-Hodgkin's lymphoma as a result of occupational exposure to benzene at a shipyard. Plaintiffs settled with P&S Client, a manufacture of laboratory-grade benzol and benzene, for a de minimis amount.

  • Case Dismissed

    Plaintiffs alleged that their decedent, a telephone repairman, sustained non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (chronic lymphocytic leukemia/small B-cell lymphoma) as a result of exposure to benzene from chemicals products used in conjunction with soldering of circuit boards. Plaintiffs dismissed P&S Client, a manufacturer of an aerosol silicon conformal coating for mutual waiver of costs.

  • Successful Representation

    200 plaintiffs allege that they sustained various respiratory injuries and forms of cancer as a result of occupational exposure to silica, and other carcinogenic compounds and metals, while working at Price Pfister, Inc. The trial court sustained, without leave to amend, a demurrer based upon statute of limitations, filed on behalf of P&S client, a manufacturer of various chemical products.

  • Successful Representation

    Plaintiffs alleged that their decedent developed pancreatic cancer as a result of occupational exposure to benzene while working as a painter. P&S represented three different manufacturers of paint products allegedly used at decedent's place of employment. The trial court quashed service of two of the P&S Clients and sustained, without leave to amend, the demurrer by the third P&S Client.

  • Reduced Monies Owed

    Plaintiff alleged that he sustained acute myelogenous leukemia (acute promyelocytic leukemia) as a result of occupational exposure to benzene at various oil rigs and platforms. Plaintiffs settled with P&S Client, a manufacturer of lubricants for a de minimis amount.

  • Case Dismissed

    Plaintiff alleged that he sustained asbestosis and pleural plaques from exposure to asbestos and asbestos containing products while working as an automobile and HVAC mechanic at various job sites. Plaintiff dismissed P&S client for a mutual waiver of costs after P&S filed a motion for summary judgment.

  • Case Dismissed

    Plaintiff contends that he developed kidney disease as a result of occupational exposures to benzene while working as roustabout at two oil production facilities between 1980 and 2007. Plaintiffs dismissed two P&S clients: a manufacturer and distributor of abrasive blasting material; and a manufacturer of chemical solvent for a waiver of costs.

  • Case Dismissed

    Plaintiffs contended that their decedent developed kidney disease (glomerulonephritis) and brain cancer (astrocytoma) as a result of occupational exposures to benzene at a metal office manufacturing facility between 1984 and 2002. Plaintiffs dismissed P&S Client, a manufacturer of chemical solvent for a waiver of costs.

  • Reduced Monies Owed

    Plaintiff, a nurse, alleged that she sustained thyroid cancer as a result of exposure to radiation from operating an x-ray machine. Plaintiff settled with P&S client, a manufacturer of the x-ray machine, for a de minimis amount.

  • Reduced Monies Owed

    Plaintiffs alleged that he sustained non-Hodgkin's lymphoma as a result of occupational exposure to benzene at several oil refineries. Plaintiff settled with P&S client, a manufacturer of approximately 22 laboratory-grade chemicals for a de minimis amount.

  • Obtained Favorable Ruling

    Plaintiffs contend that their decedent developed heart disease, cirrhosis of the liver, and kidney disease as a result of occupational exposure to chemicals while working as a laborer between 1973 and 1985. P&S represented a manufacturer of a process oil that is typically used in the rubber, paper, and chemical industries. The trial a motion for judgment on the pleadings filed by P&S on behalf of the client.

  • Successful Representation

    Plaintiff contended that he sustained interstitial pulmonary fibrosis (lung disease) as a result of occupational exposures to metal respiratory irritants when he worked at a metal fabricating facility between 1978 and October 2007. The trial court sustained a demurrer by P&S Client, a supplier of raw metal, without leave to amend.

  • Case Dismissed

    Plaintiff alleged that he sustained acute myelogenous leukemia as a result of occupational exposure to benzene while working on various ships, oil rigs and oil-clean-up sites. P&S represented the manufacturer of an oil or fuel additive. Trial court dismissed action for plaintiff's failure to prosecute.

  • Reduced Monies Owed

    Plaintiff alleges that she sustained non-Hodgkin's lymphoma as a result of occupational exposure to benzene and chemicals while working as a painter. Plaintiffs settled with P&S client, a manufacturer of machine lubricant, for a de minimis amount.

  • Reduced Monies Owed

    Plaintiff alleged that he sustained multiple myeloma as a result of occupational exposure to benzene during the course of his employment at an automotive parts store and as a truck driver. Plaintiffs settled with P&S client, a manufacturer of an automotive lacquer-based primer, for a de minimis amount.

  • Reduced Monies Owed

    Plaintiffs contend that 62-year-old decedent sustained myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) and acute myelogenous leukemia (AML) as a result of exposures to benzene during his 34-year employment as a truck mechanic. Plaintiffs settled with P&S Client, a manufacturer of thinner and paint products, for a de minimis amount.

  • Successful Defense Verdict

    Plaintiff alleged that he sustained lung disease (interstitial pulmonary fibrosis) as a result of occupational exposure to respiratory particulates while working in an automotive repair body shop. A jury returned a defense verdict on behalf of P&S client, a manufacturer of automotive sprays and adhesives.

  • Case Dismissed

    Plaintiff alleged that she sustained lung disease (interstitial pulmonary fibrosis) as a result of exposure to mold and mold abatement chemicals used at her work location. Plaintiffs dismissed P&S Client, a manufacturer of a chemical compound for mold abatement, for a mutual waiver of costs.

  • Case Dismissed

    Plaintiff contended that he sustained lung disease as a result of occupational exposures to wood dust while working as an assembler of wood furniture. Plaintiffs dismissed P&S client, a distributor of wood, for a waiver of costs.

  • Case Dismissed

    Plaintiffs alleged that decedent died from mesothelioma as a result of exposure to asbestos throughout his employment, as well as service in the US Navy. Plaintiffs dismissed P&S client for a mutual waiver of costs after P&S filed a motion for summary judgment.

  • Case Dismissed

    Plaintiffs alleged that Decedent was exposed to asbestos during his career in the U.S. Navy and, as a result, contracted mesothelioma. Plaintiffs dismissed P&S client for a mutual waiver of costs after P&S filed a motion for summary judgment and motion for undertaking.

  • Case Dismissed

    Plaintiffs alleged that their decedent died of mesothelioma due to his exposure to asbestos containing products while he served in the U.S. Navy. Plaintiffs dismissed P&S client for mutual waiver of costs after P&S insisted that plaintiffs comply with district court general orders in identifying particular witnesses against P&S client.

  • Case Dismissed

    Plaintiff alleged that he contracted silicosis and asbestosis from exposure to silica and asbestos while working as a sandblaster for various companies throughout Northern California. P&S client dismissed based on plaintiff’s failure to prosecute.

  • Case Dismissed

    Plaintiff alleged that he contracted mesothelioma from exposure to asbestos and asbestos-containing products while serving as a boiler technician with the US Marine Corps., and in performing truck maintenance work in several locations. Plaintiffs dismissed P&S client for a mutual waiver of costs after P&S threatened to file a Motion to Dismiss or Stay Based Upon Forum Non Conveniens.

  • Case Dismissed

    Plaintiffs alleged that decedent died from mesothelioma as a result of his exposure to asbestos containing products while serving in the U.S. Navy. Plaintiffs dismissed P&S client for a mutual waiver of costs after P&S filed a motion for summary judgment.

  • Case Dismissed

    Plaintiffs alleged that decedent died from asbestosis as a result of his exposure to asbestos containing products while working as an engineering officer in the U.S. Navy and ship superintendent at various shipyards Plaintiffs dismissed P&S client for a mutual waiver of costs after P&S filed a motion for summary judgment.

  • Case Dismissed

    Plaintiffs alleged that they sustained a neurologic injury as a result of occupational exposure to welding fumes. Plaintiff dismissed P&S client for a mutual waiver of costs.

  • Case Dismissed

    Plaintiff alleged that he sustained injuries to his left hand while attempting to fix a fastening tool specifically designed for overhead applications. Plaintiff dismissed P&S client for a mutual waiver of costs following mediation.

  • Obtained Favorable Ruling

    Plaintiffs alleged that their decedent died from mesothelioma as a result of his exposure to asbestos containing products while working as a machinist for LA County and City of Glendale. P&S filed a motion for summary judgment on behalf of P&S client, a compressor manufacturer. Plaintiffs did not oppose, and the judgment was granted in favor of P&S client.

  • Case Dismissed

    Multiple plaintiffs alleged that they sustained silicosis as a result of exposure to silica and silica containing products during their employment as laborers for various Northern California employers. Plaintiffs dismissed P&S client for a mutual waiver of costs after discovery affirmed lack of product identification.

  • Case Dismissed

    Plaintiff alleged that he contracted pleural plaques and pleural thickening from exposure to asbestos and asbestos containing products while working at various land-based employment locations. Plaintiff dismissed P&S client for a mutual waiver of costs based upon P&S filed a motion for summary judgment.

  • Case Dismissed

    Plaintiff alleged that he contracted mesothelioma as a result of exposure to asbestos products at various employment locations, including the U.S. Navy. Plaintiff dismissed P&S client for a mutual waiver of costs after P&S filed motions to compel and discovery confirmed that there was no admissible evidence that plaintiff worked with or around any products associated with P&S client.

  • Reduced Monies Owed

    Plaintiffs alleged that a pipefitter developed acute myelogenous leukemia and a welder sustained non-Hodgkin's lymphoma as a result of occupational exposure to benzene at a shipyard. Plaintiffs settled with P&S Client, a manufacturer of conformal coating, for a de minimis amount.

  • Case Dismissed

    Plaintiff alleged that she developed respiratory illness (emphysema and interstitial pulmonary fibrosis) as a result of exposure to respiratory irritants in connection with her employment at a facility which manufactures bathroom and kitchen fixtures. Plaintiff dismissed P&S Client, manufacturer of various raw metal products, for a waiver of costs.

  • Successful Representation

    (Alamada Super Ct. No. RG15796166): On December 11, 2017, a jury reached a $22,170,000 verdict on behalf of Plaintiff Cheryl Booker, and against defendants Vanderbilt Minerals LLC and Imerys Talc America. Plaintiff alleged that decedent Richard Booker, a decades-long employee in the paint-manufacturing industry, was occupationally exposed to asbestos contaminated talc products that were marketed specifically to his paint, cosmetic and ceramics industry. Plaintiffs further alleged that defendants failed to d

  • Case Dismissed

    Plaintiff alleged that he developed mesothelioma as a result of occupational exposure to asbestos-containing products while working as an electrician at the Long Beach Naval Shipyard between 1969 and 1996. Plaintiffs dismissed P&S Client, a manufacturer of valves, for a mutual waiver of costs.

  • Case Dismissed

    Plaintiff alleged that he developed mesothelioma as a result of occupational exposure to asbestos-containing products while working as an electrician at the Long Beach Naval Shipyard between 1969 and 1996. Plaintiffs dismissed P&S Client, a manufacturer of valves, for a mutual waiver of costs.

  • Successful Defense

    Obtained defense jury verdict in Federal Court in Maryland in patent case involving automatic tablet dispensing machines.

  • Successful Defense

    Obtained defense jury verdict in Los Angeles Superior Court in case involving standards of care and operations and practices in sporting and athletic venues.

  • Successful Defense

    Obtained defense judgment in Los Angeles Superior Court following trial involving alleged fraud, breach of fiduciary duty involving former business partners.

  • Successful Defense

    Obtained defense jury verdict on behalf of major television and movie studio in case for breach of contract and fraud arising out of alleged consultation agreement for television series.

  • Successful Defense

    Trial counsel for large municipality in federal court action brought by the USEPA and Sierra Club for penalties for violations of Clean Water Act and injunctive relief relating to the $3.5 billion upgrade of that city’s sewage system.

  • Successful Defense

    Obtained summary judgment in case involving a dispute over ownership of a California vineyard and winery.

  • Successful Defense

    Obtained judgment at trial in favor of manufacturer of racing valves for NASCAR application in action initiated by client’s competitor and former employer for misappropriation of trade secrets and breach of employment agreement. Established that action had not been prosecuted in good faith and recovered well over half a million dollars in attorneys’ fees and costs under the Uniform Trade Secrets Act.

  • Successful Defense

    Successfully represented large transportation company with multiple locations in multiple states in federal court class action for alleged violations of the American with Disabilities Act.

  • Successful Defense

    Obtained summary judgment in favor of employer in action brought by two former employees who alleged that they had been terminated for reasons that violated public policy.

  • Successful Defense

    Successfully argued case before Supreme Court of California obtaining reversal of Court of Appeal decision imposing liability on official for failing to complete rulemaking by deadline imposed by statute.

  • Obtained Ownership

    Obtained summary judgment on behalf of real estate developer which resulted in seller being ordered to transfer ownership of property under terms of sales agreement and defeating defendants’ counter claims that the agreement was obtained by fraud.

  • Successful Defense

    Represented many manufacturers and property owners in matters involving alleged releases of hazardous materials to air, soil and groundwater including:

  • Successful Defense

    Obtained summary judgment in favor of manufacturer of tool that discharged projectile into skull of plaintiff.

  • Obtained Owner Rights

    Obtained non-suit after presentation of plaintiffs’ case at trial, for defendant ranch owner in action by neighboring property owner to establish alleged historic water rights.

  • Successful Defense

    Obtained summary judgment in favor of one of the largest electric utility companies in the United States in a case filed in Los Angeles County Superior Court involving $34M in alleged property damage caused by the uncontrolled release of surface drainage water, mud and debris flowing from a utility access road onto neighboring residential properties.

  • Poplawski v Abacus Roof Corp. et al.

    Directed Verdict after 12 days of trial in living mesothelioma case where Plaintiff claimed contractor performed certain functions that exposed him to respirable asbestos fibers and failed to warn of potential harm. (Poplawski v Abacus Roof Corp. et al. (Los Angeles County Case No. BC 550770)

  • Aldridge v. Philips Electronics

    Defense verdict following jury trial where plaintiff claims transportation accident caused herniated discs and resulting surgery. (Aldridge v. Philips Electronics (Sacramento County Case No. 34-2009-00054615).)

  • Fasuyi v. Permatex

    Unanimous defense verdict following jury trial in action where plaintiff allegedly developed life-altering skin depigmentation as a result of dermal absorption of benzene and xylene from a brake cleaner. (Fasuyi v. Permatex (Alameda County, Case No. RG 06-281952)

  • Gutierrez v. Bondo Corp.

    Defense verdict following jury trial in action where plaintiff allegedly sustained interstitial pulmonary fibrosis as a result of occupational exposures to silica and other minerals from products used in automotive body shops. (Gutierrez v. Bondo Corp. (Los Angeles County Case No. BC256947).)

  • Pierson v. Tower Beverly

    Obtained summary judgment on behalf of a manufacturer of MRI machine relating to claims for personal injury. (Pierson v. Tower Beverly (Los Angeles County Case No. SC 089453).) Subsequently, successfully defended the granting of the summary judgment on appeal. (Pierson v. Tower Beverly (Court of Appeal Case No. B221488).)

  • Ward v. Fotokem

    Obtained summary judgment on behalf general contractor in action where plaintiff allegedly developed restrictive airways disease as a result of sewer gas originating from the plumbing system of a building. (Ward v. Fotokem (Los Angeles County Case No. EC038129).)

  • Successful Defense

    Obtained a directed verdict after presentation of plaintiff's case in a mesothelioma cancer case against a manufacturer.

  • Successful Defense

    Obtained a defense verdict on behalf of an international service company in a dispute involving multiple plaintiff claims for wrongful termination, racial discrimination and sexual harassment.

  • Treatt USA, Inc. v. The Superior Court of Los Angeles County

    Obtained a reversal on appeal of a trial court order denying summary judgment motion wherein plaintiff alleged exposure to various food flavorings caused his Bronchiolitis obliterans (also known as Popcorn Lung Disease). (Treatt USA, Inc. v. The Superior Court of Los Angeles County (Court of Appeal Case No. B263117).

  • Maxton v. Western States Metals

    Published opinion by the Court of Appeal establishing the availability of the component parts doctrine in California, which provides that the manufacturer of a component part is not liable for injuries caused by the finished product into which the component has been incorporated unless the component itself was defective and caused harm. (Maxton v. Western States Metals (2012) 203 Cal.App.4th 81 [136 Cal.Rptr.3d 630].)

  • Bockrath v. Aldrich Chemical Co., Inc.

    Published opinion by the Court of Appeal establishing pleading standard for toxic tort cases. (Bockrath v. Aldrich Chemical Co., Inc. (1999) 21 Cal.4th 71 [86 Cal.Rptr.2d 846, 980 P.2d 398].)

  • Successful Defense

    Obtained a dismissal of all claims in return for a mutual waiver of costs in a claim for sexual orientation harassment, disability discrimination and wrongful termination in violation of public policy by a former regional manager of a Fortune 500 company.

  • Successful Defense

    Obtained summary judgment in favor of employer, and successfully defended appeal in a state court action for "whistleblower" retaliation and wrongful termination.

  • Successful Defense

    Successfully negotiated renewed collective bargaining agreement between Orange County manufacturing plant and Teamsters union representatives.

  • Successful Defense

    Successfully defended administrative claims brought by workers claiming misclassification, unpaid commissions and overtime, failure to provide meal and rest periods and violation of California minimum wage requirements. Claimants were awarded nothing on their claims.

  • Successful Defense

    Negotiated early settlement on claim brought by Equal Employment Opportunity Commission for racial discrimination and wrongful termination with clear liability, avoiding excessive costs of defense.

  • Successful Defense

    Successfully resolved claims for sexual harassment, discrimination, retaliation and wrongful termination in violation of public policy brought by multiple plaintiffs against small, closely held corporation, on claims with clear liability, at early mediation prior to disclosure of potential insurance coverage.

  • Successful Defense

    In claim filed by employee with Retaliation Complaint Unit of California Department of Industrial Relations against non-profit organization, obtained dismissal of all claims prior to hearing.

  • Successful Defense

    In Employment Development Department investigation into misclassification of independent contractors, successfully appealed a $268,000 assessment down to $4,500.

  • Transaction Consulting

    Advised buyers and sellers in business sale transactions in various industries including: aviation, contracting, education, landscape maintenance, manufacturing, retail, specialty equipment, transportation, and veterinary.

  • Consulted for Sale

    Advised regarding sale of service company and seller’s investment in platform company for roll-up.

  • Assisted with Restructuring

    Corporate restructuring of a property management company.

  • Stock Redemption

    Stock redemption transactions for merchant services company, food service company, veterinary practice, and real estate services company.

  • Successful Settlement

    Settlement and unwinding of ill-fated merger of logistics companies.

  • Improved Property Development

    Negotiated purchases and sales of commercial real property and partially improved residential property development.

  • Successful Development

    Advised regarding development and leasing of office and industrial buildings.

  • Negotiated Financing

    Negotiated clients’ financing arrangements with institutional lenders and finance company.

  • Represented Lender

    Representation of institutional lender providing franchise financing.

  • Nonprofit Formation

    Formation of nonprofit corporations and prosecution of related applications for tax exempt status.

  • Successful Land Use

    Mr. Braly has represented numerous successful land use clients in the Santa Clarita Valley, including Golden Valley Ranch's commercial and residential development (which was approved in 2002), and Gate/King Partners' 4.5 million square feet commercial development in Newhall (which was approved unanimously on a 5 to 0 vote by the Santa Clarita City Council in 2003).

  • Project Approval

    In 2008 Mr. Braly was retained by Henry Mayo Memorial Hospital to assist in its' effort to obtain approval of a 15 year Hospital Master Plan in the City of Santa Clarita. After a contentious two year process, the Master Plan was approved in December, 2009 by a 4 to 1 vote. Mr. Braly has more recently provided counsel to Vista Canyon Ranch, a mixed use project in Canyon Country, which was approved by the City of Santa Clarita in 2011.

  • Successful Project

    Successfully represented Coastal Vision Inc. in the approval of the Providence Landing single family project in Santa Barbara County in 2002 and the River Terrace Project in the City of Lompoc in 2006.

  • Successful Defense

    Obtained judgment for a permanent injunction from the United States District Court for the Central District of California against seller of underground insulation material and its owner based on violations of the federal statute prohibiting false advertising (Lanham Act), arising from various marketplace misrepresentations regarding the product's technical specifications and performance properties.

  • Successful Defense

    Obtained dismissal of action against Fortune 500 company arising from alleged breach of contract for purchase of product components.

  • Successful Defense

    Successfully negotiated the dismissal of a plumbing contractor after extensive plumbing systems and pipes failed due to ongoing degradation and corrosion at a 1,084 unit residential complex.

  • Successful Defense

    Attained dismissal of federal action alleging alter ego liability and fraud against owner of international corporation that had defaulted on contractual obligation to vendor pursuant to motion arguing that all of defendant's alleged actions were strictly protected and could not form basis for complaint.

  • Nu-Way Live Oak v. Genlyte Thomas Group

    Obtained defense verdict on behalf of a manufacturer of lighting products in an indemnity action arising out of a wrongful death case. (Nu-Way Live Oak v. Genlyte Thomas Group (Case No. KC 050925).

  • Sayre v. Clear Channel Outdoor

    Successfully briefed and argued before the California Court of Appeal, obtaining an affirmance of judgment of dismissal after demurrer was sustained in favor of a global outdoor advertising company. (Sayre v. Clear Channel Outdoor (Case No. SC 112410).)

  • Culpepper v. Philips Electronics North America Corporation

    Obtained a judgment of dismissal after the trial court granted motion for judgment on the pleadings on behalf of manufacturer of consumer healthcare products. (Culpepper v. Philips Electronics North America Corporation (Case No. CV120289).)

  • Sandoval v. Mitsubishi Cement Corporation

    Obtained two separate dismissals for a waiver of costs on behalf of manufacturer of concrete powdered dyes and a supplier of sand in action where plaintiffs alleged their decedent sustained interstitial pulmonary fibrosis as a result of occupational exposures to mixed dust particulates while working as a concrete mixer operator. (Sandoval v. Mitsubishi Cement Corporation (Case No. BC431890.)

  • Scott v. Does 1 through 100

    Obtained dismissal for a waiver of costs on behalf of manufacturer of anti-skid/painting products in federal court action where plaintiffs alleged they sustained lung injuries as a result of occupational exposures to benzene and other toxic chemicals while serving in the U.S. Navy. (Scott v. Does 1 through 100 (Case No. CV12-06235 SJO).)

  • State Farm General Insurance Co. v. Philips Electronics North America Corp.

    Obtained dismissal for a waiver of costs on behalf of manufacturer of electrical power strip where plaintiff filed a subrogation claim to recover costs relating to a fire. (State Farm General Insurance Co. v. Philips Electronics North America Corp. (Case No. NC043779.)

  • Cuevas v. Lopez (Carmelo Lopez dba J&M Trucking) (LASC Case No. BC702578)
    Plaintiff Maria Cuevas, unlicensed and visually impaired. Plaintiff alleges she was blinded by the lights of a tractor in front of her and tried to change lanes to get around it. She didn't see the attached trailer and drove into it. Plaintiff's vehicle wedged under trailer. Plaintiff received epidurals, underwent neurological testing, and claimed mTBI. Resolved at mediation for $142, 500.00
  • Stultz v. Dorn (F3 Systems, Inc.)
    Plaintiff Robert Stultz was on his way to lunch he took his foot off the brake and was rear-ended by Defendant Dorn in a tractor with attached trailer before he had a chance to accelerate. Both vehicles collided at no more than 2 mph. Resolved at mediation for $90,000.00
  • Alarcon v. Kim, et al. & Garcia v. Kim, et al. (LJ Express, Inc.; Kyu Jin Kim; and Michael Yoon Sung Kee)(LASC Case No. BC70156)

    Multiple vehicle collision involving Alarcons in a passenger vehicle and two semi-trucks, driven by Plaintiff Garcia and Defendant Kim on I-710 Northbound in Carson, CA.

    Resolved via informal negotiations:

    Marta Alarcon: $50,000.00

    Antonio Alarcon: $45,000.00

    Jesus Garcia: $24,000.00

    Total: $119,000.00

  • Melendez v. U.S. Freightways, et al. (U.S. Freightways) (Madera: MCV076652)
    Plaintiffs, Fredy Melendez and his spouse, Ysfmenia Melendez (collectively “Plaintiffs”), contend that  they sustained personal injuries and damages as a result of a minor two vehicle accident. Plaintiffs contend that they were both sleeping inside their vehicle (2009 Freightliner Century) when Defendant, Randolph Rose’s vehicle (2016 Freightliner) “crashed” into the right side of their parked vehicle.  Plaintiffs made a 998 demand of $50,000 each or $100,000 total. Settled for $43,000 each or $86,000 total.
  • In re Jose Torres (Cox Petroleum) (Pre-lit)
    A tractor driven by Francisco Javier Salcedo (2012 Peterbilt) during the course and scope of his employment with Cox Petroleum Transport, sustained damage to its front bumper on the driver side after being struck by a vehicle driven by Jose Torres (2016 Dodge Ram) during the course and scope of his employment with Apio, Inc. Carrier for other driver accepted liability.
  • Hugo Valiente, et al. v. Francisco Gonzalez, et al. (Green River Tours) (LASC: BC639126)

    Plaintiffs seek to recover for the death of Decedent, (85 y/o) who they allege was struck by a bus driven by Defendant, Francisco Gonzalez, as she was “lawfully crossing the street”. Decedent passed away at approximately 8:08 p.m. that day.

    Initially wanted policy limits ($5,000,000).

    H. Valiente: $128,501.00
    A. Valiente: $122,501.00
    L. Valiente: $15,000.00

  • Estate of Roberto Antonio Argumedo, et al. v. Blue Line Freight, Inc. dba Midwest Transportation, et al. (Blue Line Freight and
    Plaintiffs are three adult sons, and a minor son. Plaintiffs' claims arrive from a fatal accident that occurred in Arizona on December 5, 2015. Defendant Wilmer Estrada ("Estrada") was traveling eastbound at approximately 10:00 pm on the 10 freeway near milepost 386 in a white 2012 Kenworth tractor-trailer while in the course and scope of his employment with Blue Line Freight ("Blue Line"). Decedent was driving a black 1991 Toyota pick-up and hauling a red 1994 Toyota pick-up, travelling in the same direction as Estrada. Estrada was found to be at fault by the Arizona State Police for rear-ending Decedent, who was not wearing a seatbelt and was ejected from his vehicle. Decedent died of blunt force trauma to the chest. Settled for policy limits ($1,000,000)
  • Valenzuela v. SWI Transportation, et al. (LASC: BC662963)
    Plaintiff, Diego Valenzuela sustained personal injuries arising out of a vehicle accident. At the time of the Incident, a driver for SWI Transportation, Inc., Robert Charles Douglas, Jr., was executing a right turn with his signal flashing. Plaintiff attempted to complete a right turn at that same time, wedging his car between the curb and SWI’s vehicle. Settled for $20,000.00.
  • Francovich v. Dhesi, et al. (Cool Refrigerated Transport Inc.) (Ventura: 56-2016-00487950-CU-PA-VTA)
    Plaintiff, Ashley Francovich, contends she sustained bodily injuries when the vehicle she was driving, a 2001 Ford Mustang, collided with a 2007 tractor driven by Defendant, Gurmit Singh Dhesi. At the time of the accident, Mr. Dhesi was acting within the course and scope of his employment as a driver with the insured/Defendant, Cool Refrigerated Transport Inc. (“CRT”). Plaintiff accepted Defendants' statutory offer for $625,001.00.
  • Margarita Avina v. Craig Thomas Ogden Jr., et al. (Meruelo Group, Nesco LLC) (LASC: BC649029)
    Plaintiff, Margarita Avina (“Plaintiff”), contends that she sustained personal injuries arising out of a motor vehicle accident. Defendant, Craig Ogden (“Ogden”), was in front of her, driving in the #2 lane in a 2011 Ford Large Utility Service Truck, with a large flatbed trailer that was transporting a utility pole of at least 60 feet in length, and extended at least 20 feet beyond the rear of the flatbed trailer.

    Initial demand: $300,000.00

    Settled at mediation for $120,000.

  • Luis Fernando Castellanos v. RRL Logistics, LLC, et al. (LASC: BC628230)
    Plaintiff alleges that Defendant RRL Logistics, LLC (“RRL), hired defendant Vicente Eduardo Bradanovic (“Mr. Bradanovic”) to deliver goods in his tractor-trailer rig. Plaintiff further alleges that Mr. Bradanovic, violated Motor Vehicle Code Section 22350 by driving at an excessive speed on the westbound 210-freeway. Additionally, Plaintiffs contend that Mr. Bradanovic fell asleep at the wheel, and struck the rear-end of Plaintiff's tractor-trailer rig causing substantial property damage and personal injuries to Plaintiff. Plaintiff also alleges that he has incurred monetary damages for the property damage to his truck and personal injuries as a result of the crash.Settled for $44,500.00.
  • Victor Rivera v. Cesar Augusto Borgen, et al. (De Well Group) (SB: CIVDS1612326)
    On October 18, 2014, Plaintiff, Victor Rivera (“Plaintiff”) was a front-seat passenger when Defendant, Cesar Borgen (“Borgen”), travelling in the number 3 lane  initiated a lane change from the number 3 lane into the number 4 lane and struck the Honda on the driver-side rear. Settled for $135,000.00.
  • Kristina Turpin v. Brandon L. Fox, et al. (Tool of North America, Galpin Motors) (LASC: BC623120)
    On January 18, 2016, an auto collision occurred between Plaintiff, Kristina Turpin, and Defendant, Brandon Fox, who was driving a vehicle owned by Defendant Galpin Motors, Inc. dba Galpin Ford Studio Rentals and Tool of North America, LLC.

    Initially demanded $200,000.

    Settled for $57,500.00.

  • Moaven v. Madoyan, et al. (Suren Kocharian dba First Priority Limousine) (LASC: BC654068)
    Plaintiff, Asad Moaven (“Plaintiff”), sustained personal injuries as a result of being struck while crossing the street by a vehicle driven by Defendant, Artur Madoyan, who was acting within the scope and employment of Defendant, Suren Kocharian dba First Priority Limousine. Settled for $199,999.00
  • Moaven v. Madoyan, et al. (Suren Kocharian dba First Priority Limousine) (LASC: BC654068)
    Plaintiff, Asad Moaven (“Plaintiff”), sustained personal injuries as a result of being struck while crossing the street by a vehicle driven by Defendant, Artur Madoyan, who was acting within the scope and employment of Defendant, Suren Kocharian dba First Priority Limousine. Settled for $199,999.00
  • Daniel Lopez v. Intermodal Express, et al. (LASC: BC651499)
    On December 22, 2015, defendant, Jose Ayala (“Ayala”) was travelling north on Stimson Ave. in the City of Industry when he attempted to make a wide right turn from the # 1 lane of a two-lane street into a driveway and struck the driver-side door of plaintiff, Daniel Lopez’s (“Plaintiff”). Causing it veer right and hit a lamppost head-on. Ayala was travelling with a 53” trailer owned by Intermodal Express, Inc. (“Intermodal”) and was in the course and was scope of his employment with Intermodal at the time of the accident.

    Pre-litigation demand of $313,070.00.

    Settled for $76,570.00

  • Biscardi v. Mofrad, et al. (Diva Limousine) (LASC: BC584049)
    On June 15, 2015, Plaintiffs, Eugene Biscardi (“Plaintiff Biscardi”) and Dina R. Garfinkel (“Plaintiff Garfinkel”) (collectively “Plaintiffs”), filed a complaint against Defendant, Jovad Mofrad, alleging that Mr. Mofrad was at fault for the bodily injuries Plaintiffs sustained when the vehicle they were sitting in was struck by a vehicle driven by Mr. Mofrad in a parking lot of a shopping plaza located at the southwest corner of Sunset Boulevard and North Crescent Heights Boulevard in California on July 1, 2013.Settled for $56,000.00 (total)
  • Geller v. American Eagle (SB: CIVDS1700037)
    Geller claims he was injured  when a driver for American Eagle, rear-ended his trailer. As a result of the collision, G. Geller claims his truck was pushed forward into a tractor-trailer ahead of him in traffic, which allegedly caused damage to the front of his tractor. However, Arroyo claims did not see any other driver or truck and the police officer who came to the scene did not see any evidence of “new” damage to the front-end of G. Geller’s truck (i.e., any damage to the front of G. Geller’s truck was pre-existing) and so noted in the subject police report. Settled for $30,000.00.
  • Paris Conner-Roscoe v. A-1 Event Rentals, LLC, et al. (LASC: BC660015)
    Plaintiff, Paris Conner-Roscoe (“Plaintiff”), and defendant, Mark Lopez (“Lopez”), were involved in an automobile collision. Lopez was working for defendant, A-1 Event Rentals, LLC (“A-1”) at the time of the collision. He was following a vehicle driven by A-1’s Operations manager Josh Runyan (“Runyan”), who witnessed the collision in his rearview mirror. The location of the freeway where the accident occurred was partially under construction and delineated by traffic cones. Settled for $45,000.00.
  • Martha Stefanuto v. Antonio Ordaz, et al. (G.I. Trucking Company and Antonio Ordaz) (LASC Case No. BC665073)
    Plaintiff Martha Stefanuto sustained bodily injuries and property damage.Plaintiff further alleges that Ordaz made an unsafe lane change and collided with her vehicle. Ordaz claims that he was driving in the number 2 lane and wanted to get into the number 3 lane, but when he started to make the lane change, a vehicle in the number 3 lane sped up to try to squeeze by Ordaz, and instead hit his tire, causing the vehicle to spin out and hit the side of a building.

    Initial demand: $260,900.00

    Settled for $100,000.00

  • Liberty Mutual v. Gamadijan (Leomov Enterprises Inc.) (LASC: 17STLC02623)
    Subrogation action for MVA on 4/21/16 in Los Angeles. Settled for $3,000.00.
  • John Emrani v. American Eagle Transport, Inc., et al. (LASC: BC624853)
    Plaintiff, John Emrani, alleges that on July 31, 2014 at approximately 7:00 a.m., he sustained bodily injuries when his car, a 2013 Maserati Quattroporte, was struck by a tractor-trailer driven by Defendant, Eduardo Ibarra Arroyo. Settled for $15,000.00.
  • Winters v. Teague, et al. (Sugar Creek Transportation) (LASC: BC639835)
    Plaintiff alleged he was injured as a result of a 11/4/2016 MVA. Plaintiff demanded $12,000.00.
  • Mijarez, et al. v. Eagle Trucking and Crane Services, et al. (Riv: PSC 170016)
    On January 10, 2017, Plaintiffs, Alfonso Mijarez and Alicia Mijarez (collectively “Plaintiffs”), filed a complaint against Defendants, Eagle Trucking & Crane Services, Inc., Dustin Frazier O’Donnell and Joe D. Elliott (collectively “Eagle Trucking Defendants”), and Co-Defendants, Glendy Guadalupe Del Castillo and Isaura Villanueva (collectively “Co-Defendants”), alleging that Mr. O’Donnell was at fault for the bodily injuries Plaintiff sustained when his vehicle was struck by a Toyota driven by Ms. Del Castillo on February 6, 2015. Settled for $85,000.00.
  • Juan Antonio Solis v. Jeffrey Christian Spink, et al. (LASC: BC624696)
    Plaintiff, Juan Antonio Solis (“Plaintiff”) claims that on July 2, 2014, he sustained injuries to his right arm, right elbow, and left ring finger as a result of a motor vehicle collision with Defendant, Jeffrey Christian Spink (“Defendant”). Plaintiff claims he was driving eastbound in the number 3 lane on Wilshire Blvd. in Beverly Hills, when Defendant, who was traveling westbound on Wilshire in the opposite direction, made a left turn in front of Plaintiff’s vehicle at the intersection of Wilshire and Hamilton Dr.

    Pre-litigation demand of $100,000.00.

    Settled for $37,500.00.

  • Hernandez v. Du, et al. (Deerbrook Enterprise) (LASC: BC626572)
    Plaintiff, a pedestrian, alleges she was injured on 7/24/14 when she was struck by a MV driven by Mr. Du and owned by Deerbrook.

    Plaintiffs made 998 offer of $45,000.00.

    Settled for $38,000.00.

  • Singh v. B&G Logistics, et al. (B&G Logistics) (LASC: BC665005)
    Plaintiff, a passenger in a car, alleged he was injured as a result of a 7/11/15 MVA. Settled for $12,500
  • Liberty Insurance Co. v. Hugo Quevedo dba Quevedo Trucking (SBSC: CIVDS1621928)
    Plaintiff, Liberty Insurance Co. ("Plaintiff") brought the action seeking reiumbursement for benefits paid to and on behalf of James Terkelson ("Terkelson") pursuant to a workers' compensation claim. On June 22, 2015, Terkelson was injured when a truck owned and operated by Quevedo Trucking inadvertently pinned him to a defective dock plate while connecting the truck to the dock plate to unload cargo. On January 26, 2016, Terkelson settled with Quevedo Trucking for $300,000.00; Liberty was not included in the settlement agreement. Settled for $90,000.00
  • Lahijani v. Eisner (The Tornante Co.) (LASC: BC654239)
    Plaintiff, Katrin Lahijani, alleges she sustained “serious injury and pain” after the vehicle she was driving, 2009 Cadillac Escalade, was rear-ended by Defendant, Michael Eisner, who was driving a 2014 Chevrolet Volt. The accident happened on July 13, 2015, at approximately 9:40 a.m. on Beverly Glen Boulevard, just north of Wilshire Boulevard, in Los Angeles, California.

    Initial demand $500,000.00.

    PL accepted 998 offer of $35,000.00.

  • Allstate Northbrook Indemnity Company v. Juan Perales, et al. (Yobani Alvarez) (SBSC: CIVDS1605992)
    Plaintiff alleged he was injured as a result of a MVA on 1/19/15. Plaintiff may have been trying to pass CL's vehicle on the right side while CL was attempting to make a right turn. A default judgment was entered against the CL. We were retained to vacate the judgment and defend the case.Settled for $2,500.00.
  • Kevin Atassi v. Lana Del Rey Touring, Inc. (LASC: BC649167)
    On January 17, 2016, Elizabeth Grant (“Defendant”), driving a 2016 Land Rover RL4 registered to insured Lana Del Rey Touring, Inc., was driving on Sunset Boulevard near Spezia Pl. in the Pacific Palisades, when she rear-ended Kevin Atassi (“Plaintiff”), who was driving a 2015 Tesla Model S.

    Pre-lawsuit demand of $500,000.

    Settled for $101,000.00

  • Roberto Reyes v. Flyte Tyme, et al. (Flyte Tyme) (LASC: BC618950)

    On February 14, 2016, plaintiff, Roberto Reyes (“Plaintiff”) was a rear-seat passenger in a 2016 Cadillac Escalade owned and/or operated by defendants, Flyte Tyme Worldwide Transportation, ATH Transport Corp., and Merchants Auto Group (“Defendants”), when the driver, David Archibald (“Archibald”) made a left turn at the intersection of Olympic Blvd. and Blaine Street in Los Angeles County and collided with another vehicle driven by third-party Robustiano Justos Marquez (“Marquez”).

    Settled for $250,000.00.

  • Tehmine Mailyan v. Jose Saul Vigil, et al. (Icarus Rigging, Inc.) (LASC: BC619644)

    Plaintiff, Tehmine Mailyan (“Plaintiff”), and Defendant, Jose Saul Vigil (“Vigil”), were involved in an automobile collision while traveling westbound on Hyperion Avenue near the intersection of Lyric Avenue in Los Angeles, California. Vigil was driving a rented Volvo 24-foot box truck on behalf of Defendant, Icarus Rigging, Inc. (“Icarus”). Plaintiff was driving a black 2014 Honda Accord sedan. There were no known witnesses to the incident and the police did not respond. The parties left the scene shortly after exchanging information.

    initial demand of $650,000.00

    Settled for $200,000.00.

  • Craig Henderson v. Humberto Jerez, et al. (Pacifica Trucks, LLC) (LASC: BC623240)

    On 9/3/2014, an automobile collision occurred on US 101 near Van Nuys Blvd. involving Humberto Jerez (“Jerez”) and Plaintiff, Craig Henderson (“Plaintiff”). Plaintiff wears a prosthetic on his right leg due to an amputation at the knee from an old football injury from the 1990s. At the time of the accident, Jerez was carrying cargo on behalf of his employer, Pacifica Trucks, LLC (“Pacifica”), at the time of the collision. The subject accident occurred in heavy traffic and at low speed.

    Settled for $15,000.00.

  • In re Juan Andres (Ride Well Global)

    Claimant alleged he was injured as a result of a MVA on 11/5/2015.

    Settled for $85,000.00
  • Maria D. Hernandez, et al. v. Efrain Hernandez, et al. (La Canada Logistics, Inc.) (LASC: BC619589)

    Plaintiffs, Maria D. Hernandez and Sylvia Quijano Puc, who alleged they sustained bodily injuries when a truck driven by Defendant, Efrain Hernandez, struck their parked lunch truck on January 2, 2015.

    Globally settled for $50,000.00.

  • Que Kong and Andrew Wolff v. Estes Express Lines, et al. (Estes Express Lines and The Home Depot, USA) (CCSC Case No. L17-00225)

    Plaintiffs, Maria D. Hernandez and Sylvia Quijano Puc, who alleged they sustained bodily injuries when a truck driven by Defendant, Efrain Hernandez, struck their parked lunch truck on January 2, 2015.

    Globally settled for $50,000.00.

  • Que Kong and Andrew Wolff v. Estes Express Lines, et al. (Estes Express Lines and The Home Depot, USA) (CCSC Case No. L17-00225)

    On December 8, 2016, Plaintiff Kong was present at her residence in Orinda,CA, standing on the shoulder of a narrow roadway that runs through the premises.While standing there, Plaintiff alleges that a truck owned and operated by Defendants Estes Express Lines, Inc. and The Source HotShot Services, Inc., drove along the roadway at a high rate of speed, passing dangerously close to Plaintiff and forcing her to jump out of the way to avoid being struck by the truck. After allegedly narrowly missing the Plaintiff, the truck continued down the roadway, striking a mature tree on Plaintiff's property and tearing it out of the ground. Home Depot had a contract with Estes to provide delivery services. 

    The Home Depot was dismissed on June 26, 2017

    Estes Express Lines was dismissed on August 7, 2017

  • Mark Carter v. T.C. Construction Company, Inc. (HDR Engineering, Inc.) (LASC: BC604112)

    Plaintiff Carter, a disabled person, was walking on the shoulder of Woodside Avenue in Lakeside, CA on April 9, 2015, near a construction site operated by T.C. Construction. A trailer attached to a truck driven by defendant Scott Wyckoff struck plaintiff as he was walking by.

    Globally settled for $500,000

  • Miguel Alvarado v. Norman Ellard Nixon, Jr., et al. (SB: CIVDS1617717)

    Plaintiff contends that on May 23, 2015, he was driving Northbound on I-15 in Rancho Cucamonga near the I-215 junction to San Bernardino, CA. Plaintiff contends that he was driving a 2007 Toyota Tundra with a 2007 Haulmark Trailer. Plaintiff further contends that Mr. Nixon was also driving Northbound on I-15 near the junction of I-215, and was driving a 2014 Kia Optima. Plaintiff contends that he was stopped for traffic on I-15 N when Mr. Nixon rear-ended Plaintiff’s trailer.

    Settled for $40,000.00

  • In re Great West Casualty Company (Jose L. Oseguera)

    On July 9, 2016, Jose Oseguera was driving a tractor on the I-40 freeway in Arizona in lane 2. Trans-West's driver, Pascal Laurin, was apparently tailgating Oseguera's tractor and also apparently tried to run Oseguera off the road several times. Laurin eventually passed and moved one lane over (lane 1). Oseguera switched to lane 1 eventually to get past another tractor and came upon Mr. Laurin driving in lane 2. Laurin then abruptly switched to lane 1, cutting off Oseguera and causing Oseguera to rear-end Laurin's truck. 

    Initial demand: $46,935.86

    Settled for $13,736.10 to Great West and $7,000.00 to Jose Oseguera

  • Manuel Rodriguez v. Odyssey Coach, Inc. (OC: 30-2016-00846074- CU-PO-CJC)

    On November 14, 2015, Plaintiff, Manuel Rodriguez (“Plaintiff”) sustained a broken left ankle from a slip and fall due to an alleged dangerous condition consisting of a wet substance on the floor of a bus he was riding as part of a group traveling to a football game in Oakland, CA. The trip was organized by third-party, George Ruvalcaba (“Ruvalcaba”), who rented the subject bus from the defendant, Odyssey Coach, Inc. (“Defendant”).

    Initial demand: $75,000.00.

    Settled for: $30,000.00.

  • Amedlia Hernandez v. Laszlo Enterprises, et al. (Laszlo Enterprises) (LASC: BC616207)

    Plaintiff, Amelia Hernandez (“Plaintiff”), alleges that on July 29, 2015, she sustained injuries to her body after falling while exiting a bus owned and operated by Laszlo Enterprises Inc., dba Patty Wagon Charter. Plaintiff alleges that Defendant, Laszlo Enterprises Inc. dba Patty Wagon Charter (“Defendant”) and driven by the Doe Bus Driver caused Plaintiff to fall while she exited The Patty Wagon charter bus.

    Settled for $10,000.00.

  • Sandy Gonzalez v. Bancroft & Sons Transportation LLC, et al. (BC640796)

    Plaintiff, Sandy Gonzalez ("Plaintiff") alleges that Defendants Bancroft & Sons Transportation LLC and Gregory Ray Ingram ("Defendants") are liable for an auto collision that occurred on December 13, 2014, in Long Beach, CA on the I-710 southbound freeway. Ingram was the driver of one of the vehicles, employed by Bancroft, and determined to be the cause of the accident.

    Settled for $26,000.00

  • David Balderas v. Fernando Perez, et al. (BC579755)

    Plaintiff, David Balderas ("Plaintiff"), contends that he sustained injuries to his lower extremities while loading a pallet of raw materials onto a truck owned and operated by client Fernando Perez ("Defendant") that rolled away from the loading dock. Plaintiff was employed as a warehouse person at Ross Organic Specialty Sales, a distributor of raw materials used in cosmetic, personal care and home care products.

    Settled for $325,000.00

  • Gerardo Orozco et al. v. Jose Ignacio Guzman, et al. (Guzman Transport LLC) (LASC: BC635587)

    Plaintiffs, Gerardo Orozco, Lissette Lopez, and Eva Bautista (“Plaintiffs”) filed suit for personal injury and property damage as a result of a motor vehicle accident involving Plaintiffs and Defendant Jose Ignacio Guzman, and his trucking company, Guzman Transport LLC (collectively “Defendants”). The accident occurred on July 22, 2015, on the 5 fwy Northbound in the City of Burbank, CA.

    Plaintiff Gerardo Orozco: $14,000.00.

    Plaintiff Lissette Lopez: $7,500.00.

    Plaintiff Eva Bautista: $8,500.00.

  • Virgen v. XLA VIP, LLC (Tommy Gutierrez) (LASC: BC575580)

    Plaintiff, Efren Virgen, alleges that on February 22, 2015 , he sustained severe bodily injuries as a result of being struck by a black 1998 Ford E450 “party bus” driven by Tommy A. Gutierrez. Plaintiff further alleges that Mr. Gutierrez was acting within the course and scope of his employment with XLA VIP LLC.

    Demanded policy limits ($5,500,000).

    Settled for $4,000,000.00

  • Noffsinger v. Gallegos (Yobani Albarez) (SBSC: CIVDS1606870)

    Plaintiff, Michael R. Noffsinger (“Plaintiff”), alleges that on May 14, 2014, he sustained bodily injuries when his vehicle was rear-ended by a truck driven by Defendant, Francisco Rafael Segura Gallegos, and owned by Defendant, Yobani Alvarez d/b/a CJ&G Transport (collectively “Defendants”).

    Plaintiffs made 998 offer of $35,000.

    Settled for $32,500.00.

  • Lievano v. Santana, et al. (Adebayo Fateye) (SBSC: CIVDS1502880)

    Plaintiffs (Lievano and Santana) allege they sustained personal injury as a result of a multiple MVA on 3/4/14. Our client, Fateye, also sustained personal injury.

    Dismissal after filing MSJ.

  • Allstate Indemnity Company a/s/o Chris Swisher v. Roy Walters, et al. (LASC: 16K08264)

    On or about February 12, 2015, a collision between a motor vehicle and a parked motor vehicle occurred on the shoulder of a road near the I-10 and I-405 freeways in Los Angeles, CA. Plaintiff alleges that a vehicle driven by Defendant was parked on the shoulder of the road. Plaintiff further alleges that Defendant opened the door to the vehicle, causing Chris Swisher in his vehicle to make an impact with the door of the Defendant’s vehicle as he drove past.

    Settled for $3,390.15.

  • Guadalupe Hernandez v. Israel Valladares, et al. (Tacoma Express, Inc.) (LASC: 16K02960)

    Israel Valladares, the driver for the insured, Tacoma Express, Inc., was involved in the collision with Plaintiff while traveling eastbound on I- 105. Mr. Valladares contends that Plaintiff swerved into his lane causing the collision and Plaintiff contends that it was Mr. Valladares who merged into her lane causing the collision.

    PL served 998 demand for $25,000.00.

    Settled for $15,000.00.

  • Great West Produce Company, Inc. v. Trans-West Inc. (non-litigation)

    A cargo load of strawberries was transported from Florida to Canada by Trans-West from a Central Fruit facility. The cargo load was rejected by Costco for quality reasons, causing Great West Produce to file a claim for damages in the amount of $44,800. 

    Settled for $33,5500.00

  • Aurora Gomez v. Dion Tingley, et al. (Hoddger Tours dba Gold Coast) (LASC: BC582160)
    Plaintiff alleged that on 5/14/14, she was struck by a bus driven by Dion Tingley. Settled for $45,000.00.
  • Rita Minas v. Oscar Armando Rodas, et al. (LASC: BC603996)

    Plaintiff alleges that on or about October 8, 2014, she sustained personal injuries and property damage as a result of a multi-vehicle accident in Gardena, California. (See Compl.) Plaintiff further alleges Rodas caused the subject accident by operating a tractor-trailer and trailer and “veering” into Plaintiff’s path of travel. (Ibid.) Plaintiff also alleges that Defendant and Cross-Complainant, GRICELDA GUERRERO (“Guerrero”), subsequently rear-ended Plaintiff’s vehicle. 

    Settled for $45,000.00.

  • Hala Akleh, et al. v. Hot Dogger Tours aka Gold Coast Tours (Riv: RIC1504837)

    Plaintiffs, Hala Akleh, Nadia Akleh, and Habib Azar, contend that on July 8, 2014, at approximately 3:15 a.m., they sustained personal injuries as a result of being passengers on a bus associated with Hot Dogger Tours, Inc. dba Gold Coast Tours (“Gold Coast”). Plaintiffs further contend that while on the way back from Pechanga Casino in Temecula, California, the bus struck the center divider on the 91 Freeway in Corona, California and tossed them from their seat.

    Settled for $26,000.00.

    Hala Akleh: $6,500.00.

    Nadia Akleh: $10,000.00.

    Habib Azar: $9,500.00.

  • Joseph Michael Dominguez v. Donald Murphy Packard, et al. (LASC: BC534780)

    Plaintiff contends that on February 1, 2012, he sustained personal injuries to his neck and back as a result of being hit by a truck driven by Packard during his employment with Direct Home Delivery Service, Inc.

    Initial demand: $40,000.00

    Settled for $32,500.00

  • Barbara Lawrence v. Wolfe Trucking, Inc., et al. (LASC: BC543391)

    Plaintiff alleges that on June 13, 2012, she sustained personal injury and property damage as a result of being hit by a truck driven by Jeremy Solomen in El Reno, OK. Plaintiff was driving a 2012 Ford E350 28 foot motorhome rented from Anne Rae Chevrolet and her cousin, Laura Southwell, was a passenger at the time. Both vehicles were in the number 2 lane and impact occurred when Solomen apparently dropped a lit cigarette in his lap and rear-ended plaintiff. Anne Rae Chevrolet settled its claim for property damage for $61,790.58, and Southwell settled for $19,000.00. 

    Estimated verdict value: $300,000-$350,000

    Settled for $150,000.00

  • Interinsurance Exchange of the Automobile Club v. Luis Arturo Quezada, et al. (LASC: 14K01950)

    Subrogation action arising from an incident on February 21, 2012. Insured James Jung Kim incurred damage to his 2011 Toyota Corolla when Defendant Luis Quezada "unsafely" backed up his truck into Kim's car. 

    Settled for $2,800.00

  • 21st Century Insurance Company v. Antonio Zepeda Gonzalez, et al. (ACSC: RG14-716972)

    Subrogation action arising from an incident on March 5, 2013. Insured Francis Cartwright sustained damage to his 1999 Ford Windstar as a result of being hit by a 2009 freightliner driven by Antonio R. Zepeda

    Settled for $1,571.82